Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Teacher Orientation

Okay, I am a little behind posting here. I have been overwhelmed by the begging of the year. I think most new teachers and regular teachers are anyway. New teacher Orientation was interesting. It was three days from August 10 - 12. On the first day, we spent it going over district policies, learning about different items available to us from the district, who was available to assist us and we were introduced to the new board of education and superintendent. It was a a wonderful day, we were given breakfast and lunch.
The second was filled with learning Thinking Maps, how to use them within our classrooms, and Insurance information for the district. I got to know a few of the teachers I would be working with in the district better and truly enjoyed the experience.
The third day was learning the Kaagan Cooperative Learning Method and how to institute it into the classroom. We were to use this method and the thinking maps at least once a week within our classrooms. We then finalized insurance information and were able to ask a few questions.
Thursday and Friday we were given off. I spent Thursday getting the keys to my room and putting it together. I also spent some time learning my way around the school and where everything was at!
My fears were assuage a little and now I was more excited than nervous.

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