Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blessing in Transportation

Okay, one of the things that is difficult with beginning this new job is the distance to get to it. I have to drive 60 miles one way. My truck is old and not very dependable. Since I spent all these years trying to better my life going through college and working full time, I could not afford a car. What single parent making only about 19,000.00 a year could? So I had a lot of debt versus income. Well, no bank would loan to me. I thought I was sunk on getting a car to get back and forth to work with affordable gas mileage, good running, and good AC. Then a friend offered her car to me. It was like a breath of fresh air. Especially since, it was low payments to her. Now I will be able to get back and forth with no problem. The one here looks better than mine. But overall it is the same.

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