Monday, April 13, 2009

Time passes too qucikly

This has been a difficult assignment. I am trying to work with the student, but the amount of time with all the other responsibilities I have and he has really causes problems. I have emailed my student and I am trying to get information from him. I am hoping this will be tomorrow or later. I am hoping to have the voicethread done by this weekend. I am sure it won't be done by the 16th.
Overall this would be an okay assignment, but it needs to come with a greater length of time for it to be done.
One I would do the KWL with the student and then assign the research to the student. (first week)
Second, once the student has had a week to research I would then create the blog with them. (second week)
After, this I would allow the student to take one day each to blog on each topic within his project. (second and third week)
Next, I would have the student pick one topic to do a voice thread..say wars or tools/weapons. (fourth week)
Then, we would do a slidecast of the the one famous person. (fifth week)
Lastly, I would require at least two comments from students involved in the project each week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Becky,

    Your outline / timeline is good for the college student, but not the best for the family. I've noticed that the 3 week timeline is enough to get the family started or project finished if they know what content they are to be searching.

    More time than that, and the parents stress more. Our objective was just to start and explain the technologies.

    Dr. E
