I have to admit this was one of the most challenging assignments I have ever done. It was not because of the difficulty. It was because of the time allotment for the assignment to be finished in a week. One of the major problems I had was finding time to get the movie done in a busy schedule. Also pulling together all the outside sources, ie.. actors and setting, was difficult. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience though. I had to make a comic window sketch of each scene to better be able to see what I was doing. I then had the area set up with assistance. Once the actors knew their lines, which was more difficult than I imagined due to personal liberties and just plain tom foolery, we were set. (Pardon the pun Thomas) I used CSPAN on the TV for some of footage and I used 5 to 7 second pieces of video from the IRAQ war 2003, Hillary Clintons confirmation hearings, Speaker Pelosi's overriding of the MEdicare video and the National Archives for a picture of the United States Constitution. We also used normal props around the house like money, and tied up paper in ribbon for symbolizing different parts of the video. I believe that yes, I can teach this to students to use as a presentation factor. However, I believe that it would have to be done with a longer timeline to allow for better production and not too much hyperventilating on the students part at first. I can see serious problems in time, lack of technical skill, lack of avaiablity of technical machines like computers and such or current computers with enough RAM and such for doing this product. As a teacher I am looking forward to using this technology more and introducing it to my students. I believe my students will probably have a better handle on it than I in most cases. I will tell everyone that the last 8 seconds of the film were the most difficult to complete, due to the film being done at almost midnight, a bad fit of giggles on all actors and producers parts and the purse. Enough said. What are the powers of the Legislature:
Well Becky you got your movie done. Doesn't it feel great. Yes I agree with you Becky in order for us to teach this to our students there would definitely need to be a longer timeline for great production. I liked the way you used real t.v. videos and your own personal videos that you shot. I didn't have a video camera so I couldn't do that. But I believe I still got the lifecycle of a frog across as you got the powers of the legislature across. I noticed that you didn't use any music, which I believe was great otherwise you wouldn't hear what anyone was saying. Great JOB!!! We did it!!