I think one of the most challenging parts of Digital Storytelling is putting together the script. In my Unit plan I have chose the Legislative question to present.
There are seven steps to doing a great storyboard script:
1. Point of View – what is the perspective of the author?
My perspective is a fact based presentation of the powers of the Legislature
2. A Dramatic Question – a question that will be answered by the end of the story.
By the end of the story the students will know and understand the powers of the Legislature.
3. Emotional Content – serious issues that speak to us in a personal and powerful way.
How the Legislature uses those powers is shown throughout the story.
4. The Gift of your Voice – a way to personalize the story to help the audience
understand the context.
Using characters, this story gives a personal view.
5. The Power of the Soundtrack – music or other sounds that support the storyline.
Supportive sound from different events the Legislature has participated in give the video real life "I am there" attitude.
6. Economy – simply put, using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer with too much information.
Each clips is 3-5 seconds long, a few are a few seconds more. This allows the student to view the presentation quickly and absorb the information.
7. Pacing – related to Economy, but specifically deals with how slowly or quickly the
Story progresses.
The story progresses quickly, but not too fast so the story cannot be absorbed.
After learning the seven elements and thinking about how to input them you can create a storyboard. I normally create a comic window board before I move to the Digital storyboard for details. The comic window board allows me to rough sketch out my ideas and then allows me to figure time a little better. My comic board is just a normal sheet of typing paper where I quickly sketch out nine 2" x 2" windows and begin making notes. The more clips I need the more windows I add.
Just give it a try and you'll find it's easier than you think.
I believe you covered your 7 elements of storytelling very well. I quite didn't understand what Dr. E wanted.Yes I definitely agree with you that the script was difficult to put together. I had to redo mine as I put my movie together. I saw that I had more clips therefore I had to add more time. I see that you did the smart thing and first created a comic window board to have a rough sketch of your ideas. Very smart. well we'll see what our movies turned out to look like. Have fun!