Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Blessing in Transportation

Okay, one of the things that is difficult with beginning this new job is the distance to get to it. I have to drive 60 miles one way. My truck is old and not very dependable. Since I spent all these years trying to better my life going through college and working full time, I could not afford a car. What single parent making only about 19,000.00 a year could? So I had a lot of debt versus income. Well, no bank would loan to me. I thought I was sunk on getting a car to get back and forth to work with affordable gas mileage, good running, and good AC. Then a friend offered her car to me. It was like a breath of fresh air. Especially since, it was low payments to her. Now I will be able to get back and forth with no problem. The one here looks better than mine. But overall it is the same.

Freeware from Ronya!

I found this awesome site where you can create motivational posters, movie posters or wanted posters for your classroom by downloading the software. The great part? It's FREE! So go check out RONYASOFT for this neat and wonderful software to add to your room.
Now I have discovered that I have insomnia because I am getting so excited. This is not good since I need to be up early each morning to get to my school. It's an hour drive away. So I will need to find a way to relax. Any ideas? Just leave them in the comment box.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1st day in new classroom

Well, I spent the first day in my classroom just unloading boxes and setting things up. I know I have a great many items to complete and to that end I have made a list.

To be complete:

* create substitute folder.

* Write rules and place on wall.

* Purchase 9 binders

* Get chart box and sort history charts.

* Sort files and add new files.

There are a great many other items that need to be completed, but these are the first ones before I start with my new teacher orientation. My mentor teacher has been wonderful so far. He has shown me the scope and sequence. How the lesson plans are given to us. Then he has shown how he writes them for each week. He has told me in essence I can borrow anything and make copies. He has been wonderful.

I still am nervous, however, as I make the transition from being a former special education aide and college student to an 8th grade American History Teacher I find I am more excited about what the new year holds. What will my students be like? How will I find new ways for them to learn the material? Will my classroom management be enough? What ideas can I get from others?

I will continue to blog about these experiences here this year. I want to keep a record of how the year goes and how I change to help those around me who will come to teaching. Since yesterday I worked in my room. I am out today to locate a few items I will need. I have been warned that I will most likely not get any money for my classroom. So it is all on me. Since it is a low income district I have been told the supplies required of our students will be the basics. Most can barely afford to those.

So I will be like Henry Hudson, pictured above, who was an English Explorer of the 16th century and take these words to heart: "You cannot fly like an Eagle with the wings of a wren."

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tough Year for Teacher Employment

Well, it's been a tough year for teacher employment. Many friends who graduated with me are still having trouble finding a job. It seems school districts are cutting corners to deal with the economic downturn, higher energy costs, and less money flowing into districts. Even with the president and congress passing bills to assist disticts it seems there are so many string attached that most districts will not get much. It was an impressive amount that the president and congress passed for districts. But when that amount is broken down state by state, and then district by district most receive only very minimal amounts. It barely even registers as a blip on the radar. In a time when old shools need to be replaced with newer up to date facilities that not only are technology capable, but healthy buildings it begs one big question!
If we are nation who pride ourselves on educating our young why do we spend less than 10 percent of our National Budget on Education?
According to the New American Foundation,, and firstfocus the amount of the National Education budget is less than is anywhere from 4 to 8 percent. In other words we feel our kids are only worth the dregs of our budget. Forget about really want to educate them and further the United States position within the world.
It is obvious hat if America wants change to come, then education must be the key. It will be interesting to see if this can be accomplished.