Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer School, Summer Vacations, and Boredom!

I am done with my first week of summer school and must admit I love working it. I have taught summer school for the last 7 years. Five as a Para, and now two as a Teacher. There are multiple reasons teachers work summer school: interest in students continuing performance, extra summer pay, and find down time a little boring after the second week. I fall in the all of thee above realm. I found out very early in life I have to be doing something most of the time. I am one of the few people that love working. As a single parent it supplements for things I need. Plus, as friends of mine know, I get a little stir crazy after a week of rest. Luckily for me Alice ISD is an awesome district and they take care of my summer well. I get to teach, train, and rest. Not to mention I have awesome friends on the campus and we get together in the summer to just enjoy each others company. This creates team spirit. That leaves me with enough time to rest, read books, read journal articles, magazines, and the multitude of websites, burn on the beach, sun bleach my hair, swim and exercise losing those few pounds, catch up on the TV shows and Movies I want to see that I DO NOT have time to watch during the school year. Then, suddenly, it is over and I am refreshed and excited to meet and greet the new year!
Now, I have no vacations on my Agenda. But I have had several students contact me and tell me they are bored. I understand there are not many things to do in Alice. But, there are more than they realize. Here is a short list I gave a student. I will be adding more to my blog and posting for them.
Summer Boredom preventers:
1) Read your type of books! I cannot stress this enough! Mysteries, Vampires, werewolves, sciencefiction, dramas, etc. The Alice Library is a great place to check out books.
2) Play Lexolus or scrabble online. There are lots of free websites to play
3) Play Suduko online free
4) Draw!! A lot of my students are wonderful artists. Experiment with crayon, colored pencil, pen and ink.
5)Check out the subjects you will study next year! You might find the information interesting.
6)Create a powerpoint or a short movie in movie maker. Youtube has wonderful How to videos on all these.
7) Create your own blog at
8) Check out the free online games:
9) Learn to cook a New recipe or even how to cook!
These are just a few. I will post more tonight. There is never a reason to be bored. There is always something to do, if you truly want to become active.
Alright I am gonna end this. I have a roast in the oven and biscuits with honey to create!!